Among  the private sector  insurers, who started  their activities during  2000-2001, aviva life insurance  . Co had launched  an exclusive  plan for  rural  areas called Gram Suraksha. The test marketing  results of the Plan in Andhra  Pradesh  were reportedly encouraging  and the company  hopes to market the plan through institutions. The law priced policy offers life cover and money back benefits . For broad basing  its rural portfolio , Aviva life  had opened  offices  at Faridkot, Nagpur, Nashik and Udaipur, in September 2003, Aviva had also launched  customized  products  called  Amar Suraksha  and Jana Suraksha . 

The term former  is a  term insurance cover the with return of the premium provision  on  survival  of the selected  term., The latter is a  fixed term policy available  for terms  of five years  and ten years  respectively  for the sums assured of Rs. 25,000 or Rs. 50,000  as the case may be. Aviva is confident  of utilized  the extensive rural network of its Indian partner , Dabur.  This was  followed by the launch of the Sankat  harn Policy by IFFCO-tokio , General insurance  Company  for farmers, Gramin Bima Yojana, a plan of Kotak mahindra  Old Mutual insurance co.  Is a plan designed to suit  the needs  of the rural populace. This single  premium endowment  plan provides  for payments  on death or maturity whichever  is earlier  . The plan  has a fixed term of 15 years . 

The policy can be surrendered by at any times  and the surrender at any the time and the surrender value  varies  from 90% tp 230% upon the period by for which  the policy has remained  in the books of the insurer. ICICI Prudential  had also launched  different  types of the  policies like ICICI  Pru Mitra an endowment  type of the plan and ICICI plus Pru Suraksha  a regular premium plan to meet the varying  needs of the rural populace. HDFC Standard  Life markets  certain  specialized life insurance products for the rural market. Development  insurance plan., A group insurance product is being  offered by the HDFC Standard life to the rural markets  through NGO;s  and  Bima Bachat Yojana, is another  product meany by the  rural consumption .

 The Birla  Sun Life , Bimla Kavach Yojana is a single premium insurance policy specially designed  for the rural under privileged. The private insurance companies until the end of the fiscal 2002-2003 could not be make by any perceptible penetration  into the rural areas and as the end of the fiscal  200-03, the combined  rural life insurance coverage  by LIC  and private  players was around 27% leaving   behind a substantial  populations  to be covered.  Both for the public sector and  the private insurance companies, distributing products   in rural areas poses certain problems  . As a  agricultural  income is presently  tax-free in India, in the rural areas tax sops  offer no  attractions  and , as a  such the marketing  is more   individual need -based. Many of the agents for advisors, do not find it profitable  to visit the rural areas or  distributing  limited  products, .

 To overcome this situations, companies  are adopting  new strategies, . Some  companies resort to mass compaigns  by addressing the villagers  with the help of the local village head or the Sarpanch  . Alternatively, some of the companies  tie up  with banks  having  wide  rural networks for distributing  insurance products, through  the Bancassurance  route. Some companies  enter into tie-up with NGO’s and social organizations  facilities. Agencies  to offer product  in the rural  areas. Some of the companies are also drawing are also drawing  on the concept of  Rural Career Agents or Advisors, which has been pioneered by LIC, in spite of difficulties, unlike in the past fiscals,  at the end of the financial  year 2003-04, all life insurers  had completed  their rural and social sector obligations, In the connection  a suggestions,  of Apparao  Machiraju  merits  examinations.....