Life insurance in its  nascent  is known term insurance . The every very name implies  that the coverage is for a  limited  and specific  time. A term insurance  contract could be structured  for any period. Generally from the point  of view of underwriting  , the term  varies  from five years  to twenty  years. However Assured Life Time, a  term insurance product of TATA -AIG is a  available  fro a term of one year and has certain attractive  options like conversations  of the plan to a savings plan and renewal  of one and five year plans without  any medical test etc., Under a term insurance  contract, the sum assured  becomes  payable only if death occurs  during the selected  term, and nothing  becomes  payable once the term expires. Wherever  the contract  envisages a  renewal of the contractor  for a stipulated  period after the expiry  of the original contract  such a policy is called Renewable  Term insurance policy. 

Some term insurance  contractors  offer a  conversion  clause by which the assured  can experience  an option of the to convert the term into a  permanent  assurance plan without plan any further medical  examinations  . LIC, Max New York Life Tata AIG are a few examples,.  Until  recently term insurance contractors  were not  popular in India.  The first branded  term insurance plan Bima sandesh with return of premium  provision  had a  slow death for want to of proper positioning , . With the opening up of the industry, the concept of the term assurance plans received a shot in the term arm and many companies  like ICICI prudential  Life, Birla Sun Life, and LIC market such term assurance  plans as a assurances  with Return of premium (ROP).  With the opening  up to the industry to private players, the concept of the ‘Term’ is getting promoted . Now private companies  alongside, LIC, market such plans , and the  price war is hotting up in this product class. For the first time among private insurers in the Indian market , Max NEW YORK LIFE came out the with a  LEVEL  Term Plan with  yearly  and other mode options  with the term extending  to 20 year and 25 years. This was  positioned as an attractive  low-cost plan.  Another innovative term insurance plan was a the KOTAK Preferred  Term PLAN (KPTP), introduced  by Kotak mahindra  Old Mutual Life insurance company. His term assurance with a  minimum sum assured  of  Rs. 10 lakhs is available for men  in the group  of 18-60  years , provided  they do not  tobacco in any form. If some  one  takes  to smoking  the after the conclusion  of the contract  the company may view  it as a violation  of the terms of contract  and decide  to decline the death  claim, it if is  established  that the death has resulted as result of the policy holder taken to the tobacco smoking. 

  Bajaj Allianz  Term Care offers  life insurance  cover at a low cost and provides  for returns  of premiums on maturity. The premium   returned  at a maturity amount the to the sum assured  of the premium paid until  maturity sans the extras, if any . In the event of the death of the assured, the sum promised  is paid to the nominee of the legal heir. The plan has built  in Accidental  death Benefits  and Accidental  permanent Total/ Partial Disability  Benefits subject to conditions . 

This plan is marketed  under economy, protect health the and total compacts  with graded benefits. ING Vysya markets  a term insurance plan with a critical  illness rider and HDFC standard  Life markets a loan protections  cover. Life shield  a term  insurance plan  offered by Aviva  life insurance , LIC’s  Jeevan Anmol, Shield, the term insurance plan  of SBI Life Tata -AIG’s  Life Plus, ICICI Pru’s  Life Guard  are some of the well known term insurance brands. A number of the variations  are offered  under these plans.  Though  a term insurance  plan provides very high protections at a minimum cost, it should be noted that it is only temporary protection  and cannot  offer the type of the security  that a  permanent  insurance cover can. It should  also be noted  that if they  a person aged 30 , considered  the cost advantage  and takes only a term Assurance for a  period  of 30 years and if he/she survives the term on reaching  the elderly  age of 60, he/she is left  high  and dry without any insurance proceeds  to fall back on. Even  in the US, where the dictum buy term and invest the rest was once popular , public outlook is changing in preference to comprehensive plans.
