Following are the different economics uses of the Life insurance

 1:  Financial security: Life insurance provides financial security to the family. An untimely  and premature death of the bread winner result in a great financial problem to the family. If no security provision is made by the breadwinner to meet such this situation., his death  would make the family destitute. They will become a burden to the society. Life insurance is the best instrument to provide security in the event  of happening  of such contingency.

2) Savings: Life insurance is also a potent instrument for savings. 
 3) Dreams come true: Every person lives in dream  dream of very high education for children very decent marriages to daughters  etc. Life insurance makes such dreams come true even if they dreamer is no more. 
 4)  Collateral of Security : Own shelter has become an  essential to everyone. Many institutions offer mortgage loans for purchase  construction of  a house/ flat/ Life insurance acts as a collateral security  in respect of the such loans. Without such security the same shelter considered  an asset as long as the house purchaser is alive, will become a liability to the family if he dies before repayment of the entire loan. To repay the outstanding loan, the property will have to be disposed off. Circumstances. will make  it a distress sale and it will fetch much less than its reasonable market value. 

 5)  Financial Independence: Life insurance provides financial Independence  in old age. The lumpsum maturity value of a policy when received  can be invested to yield interest  sufficient  to meet expenses after retirement from work life. Or the same  money can be utilised to  purchase an annuity. While  still young, an individual  can purchase a deferred annuity  and fund the same in easy instalments. 
 6)  Protects Creditors: Organizations  or  individual  who are in credit business, can ensure  for themselves  recovery of loan  when a  debtor dies. The can obtain a group  individual  life insurance   policy on then lives  of debtors. So that if a  debtor  dies, the policy proceeds will repay the  outstanding  loan. 
 7) Protects Partnership firm: A Partnership firm can insure the lives of the partners to the extent of capital invested by each  in the business. In case of the death  of the partner  the danger of withdrawal of capital by the legal heirs of the deceased   partner can be met from the processed  of the policy. Otherwise  there is the risk of financial problems for the partnership business.  
8) Provides  fund for replacement: Under key man insurance  an organization  can insure the lives of executive whose expertise greatly  contributes  to their profits. In

 case  of the death  of a key man, the money provided by the insurance can be utilised  to recruit  a new person who is equally capable as a replacement.

 9) Improves  productivity:  Organization  can purchase group life insurance policies as part of the their employee– welfare program. This acts as a  morale booster to the workers and result in improved production. 