Introduction :  Insurance not falling under fire insurance and marine  insurance is considered as miscellaneous  insurance as per the insurance. Act 1938. The four public sector general insurance companies and some private general insurance companies have brought to light a number of miscellaneous insurance policies is cover a variety of other risks. The most important  forms of miscellaneous insurance are: Motor insurance, Legal liability insurance, Business insurance, Hospitalisation insurance, Social sector insurance, Engineering insurance,  Rural insurance,  and other insurance. Let us discuss all these  insurances, one by one in the pages to come

. 1. MOTOR INSURANCE : The owner of a motor vehicle  is exposed to various types of risks. These risks fall into two groups. First those of damage to , or loss or destruction of the motor  vehicle  itself and second, that of being called upon to pay damages for injuries which may be done to others through  the use, ownerships  or maintenance of the motor vehicle. The first
or risk  may further be classified as follows: 
(1) Destruction by  fire, internal or external in origin, 
(2) Theft,
(3) Injury through collision with some other object moving or fixed or through upset.

 (4) Other damages to motor  vehicles as by breakage of glass, damage in flood, or while being transported. The second type of risk  is the liability of the insured to third parties arising out of a accidents caused by the use of a motor vehicle on the road. The liability may be for death  or bodily injury or for damages to property. The risk also vary accordingly  to the class of vehicle. E. g. in a passenger automobile. the liability may be for death  of or injury  to passengers  or in a common carrier, the liability may be loss of or damage to the property carried. In order to safeguard  the owner of a motor vehicle from the above mentioned risks a special insurance,
 has been conceived known as marine insurance