The LIC of India has designed some group insurance policies  for the benefit of working class. Such  policies are described  briefly  below.
  (1) Group (Term) Insurance Scheme: It provide  life insurance protection  to group of people. It is offered  under One Year Renewable Group term Assurance (OYRGTA) and  the scheme’s  is renewed  every year after taking in to a account the changes  in the size of group. The following are the main features of this scheme.  (a)  Master policy: A single master policy is issued covering  all the members of the scheme. The scheme is administered by the Employer Associations, Societies, etc. called Nodal agencies, 
(b) Premium : Premium rates are reviewed on the basis  of claim experienced under the individual scheme. ( C ) Eligibility : For all Non-employer employee  group scheme, the basic insurability condition is that the member should be  in good health on the date of entry. For the GI scheme of employer- employee groups the  insurability   condition is that the member should not be absent on  groups of sickness on the entry date.  ( D)  Restrictions: The restriction under this scheme relate to minium and maximum age limit for eligibility of cover (18to 60), participation of minimum percentage (75%)  of eligibility  members  of the  groups at inception  and compulsory participation of all new members.  (E)  Benefits: As the name term insurance indicates the amount cover is payable in the event of death of the member. Nothing is payable on survival. The cover amount  is either uniform or graded. Uniform cover means that every member  of the  groups is insured for the same amount. The cover is decided  on the basis of average size of the  group and occupation or activity  which  group is engaged in. Graded cover  us usually granted to employer / employee  groups because of general level of health care and life style of the member being  satisfactory. For graded cover,  group can be divided  in to who three or four levels such as: 

GROUP INSURANCE SCHEME IN LIEU OF EDLI (EMPLOYEE’S  DEPOSIT LINKED INSURANCE) : All employers to whom the Employee’s . Provident fund and Mis. provision Act 1952 applies  have a statutory liability to provide life insurance benefit to all their  employees by subscribing  to Employees Deposit linked Insurance (EDLI)  1976 i.e, Rs. 0.60 per Rs. 100 wage  bill of each employee. Under EDLI  scheme, in the event of death  balance in PF account  of the deceased Rs. 60, 000, whichever is lower . The Employees P.F and Mis . Provision Act also provides
that if  any scheme of insurance gives more benefits than the EDLI the employer  is entitled to switch over to that scheme after obtaining  the approval of the  Central provident Fund Commissioner.  LIC’s  GroupInsurance  Scheme in lieu of EDLI has been accepted  as a better alternative for EDLI. Under LIC’s  group insurance Scheme. each employee is covered for a sum assured  of more than Rs. 60, 000 depending upon the current salary and services put in from the very first  day, irrespective  of the actual balance in the provident Fun.  ELIGIBILITY:  For LIC’  Group insurance  Scheme in lieu of EDLI  the insurability  condition is that he should be a member  of the Provident Fund’s Scheme  of the employer.  ACCIDENT BENEFIT: Double  accident benefit can be allowed to the extent of the sum assured  for an extra premium @ Rs. 0.75 per thousand. Benefits to Employer: (a) Premium under LIC’s Group insurance scheme is usually less than the total contribution to provident fund  authorities. (b) Settlement of claim is quicker  ( C ) Premium paid is treated as business expense  for income tax purpose.  

 GROUP SAVINGS LINKED INSURANCE (GSLI) scheme: The GSLI scheme offers insurance cover together with a saving element. The GSLI scheme this scheme , is deducted from the monthly salary of the member. The scheme is applied in Govt. Bodiespublic sector corporations and reputed  private companies who  keep accurate records of their employees. A portion of the contribution of the employees is utilised  as premium to cover  term assurances  for a fixed sum and the balance is treated as savings which are accumulated  at an attractive rate. At present, the rate  is 10%  p.a, Member exit the scheme on retirement or earlier by death or resignation. BENEFITS: (a) On death while in service: Amount of insurance cover and accumulated  savings up to  the date of death. (b)
 On retirement / resignation: Accumulated  savings up to the date of exit. TAX BENEFIT: (a)  Contribution Full are treated as insurance premium and enjoy the benefits under section 80C. (b)  Savings accumulations received are tax free.
