The following are the differences between  life insurance  and other forms  insurance  such as a  fire marine  and miscellaneous insurance.  1) Happening of event: The event insured against in  life insurance  is a certain event, the only uncertainty being the time when the event will occur. But in case of fire and marine   insurance   the events insured against may or may not take place at all or may tale place wholly or partly. Thus in  life insurance , every policy will become a claim sooner or  later but it is not so in other insurances.

 2)  Partial Loss:  Life insurance  is a contract  to pay an absolute amount on the maturity of the policy and there is no possibility of partial losses but the other insurance are indemnity contracts where only the actual  amount of loss will be payable irrespective of the assured sum.  3) Risk assessment: Risk classification is generally more simple in  life insurance  chan in the  others forms of insurance. Here all the lives are divided into three groups: Standard sub-standard and  uninsurable. But of property insurance.  the classification is more complex e.g. in marine insurance. the risk may be divided according to the type of vessel. voyage, season  etc. So is the case of fire and other insurance.

 4)  Period:  In most forms of insurance the policy is taken for one years of even for a shorter period  but in life contracts the insurance is taken for very long period.  
5) Premium: In  life insurance  the premium are charged generally on level premium plan which means that the premium charged in the initial years of the policy are higher than the actual cost of insurance but in fire and marine insurance contract , the premiums are just sufficient to cover the actual cost of insurance  it contains both the investments and protection elements but in  the fire or marine contracts there exists  the protection  element only.
 6)  Insurable Interest: In  life insurance  the insured  must have the insurable interest when the policy is taken. but in marine insurance  he must  have it when the loss aries. In  life insurance  the insurable interest must be present at both the times, when the policy is taken and when it becomes a claim. 

  7)  Higher hazard: In  life insurance   the hazard increases from year to year. This happens in fire and marine insurances also but there the subject  matter may be kept in good condition  by  repair or the  replacement or worst  parts: but in  life insurance  the chances of death go on increasing with increased age whatever precautions  may be taken by one about one’s health. In spite of the higher hazard  from year to year, the same premium rate is charged in life contracts.  
8) Procedure: Medical examination  is required  before a  life insurance  is granted whereas survey is made for before a property is insured. 
 9) Amount: Life insurance  can be taken for any amount depending  upon the premium paying capacity of the insured. But  in other insurances policies can be taken up to the value of the property 
 10) Transfer: A  life police  can be  transferred either by assignment or by nomination. But in other insurance the financial  interest can be transferred only by assignment with the prior permission  of the insurer.  

11)  Surrender: A life policy  can be surrender  by the insured before its maturity. But in other insurances, it cannot be done. 
12)  Claim:  The claim money in  life insurance  is an agreed amount as the insured sum which is fixed in advance by the insurer as well as the insured. Claim money in other insurances  arises only in  case of

loss due to risk.